Virgin Australia Voyeur

Virgin Australia Voyeur is the complimentary in-flight magazine provided to all Guests flying with Virgin Australia. We're pleased to introduce you to the brand-new look of Voyeur magazine. Our editorial pillars now revolve around enabling our reader to expand their horizons. Our aim is to inspire their passion to keep exploring in all areas of their lives.

" The core of what Voyeur is about is giving our readers the inspiration and information to enable them to explore new horizons. We do this through our four editorial pillars: Explore, Travel, Navigate and Unwind."

Kirsten Rowlingson, Editor

Quick Facts
Frequency: Monthly
Readership: 429,000 (emmaTM Mar 2016)
Core Target: Affluent business and frequent flyers aged between 25-49 years. 45% AB.
Content: Culture, Travel, Business, Technology, Food and Drinks, City Guides